Maya del Mar's Daykeeper Journal: Astrology, Consciousness and Transformation
March 1
Jupiter direct

March 20
Pluto retrograde

March 27
Juno direct in Leo
Retrograde Watch

Jupiter and Juno, King and Queen of the Gods, turn direct this month. Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, turns retrograde. It looks like Pluto will climb underground again, frantically hiding his secrets, while the Kingdom of the Gods-Goddesses, merrily cavorts in the light of day.

There has been a multitude of dirty secrets revealed this year of 2002, while Pluto has been moving through new degrees, and opening up new cesspools to the public. This is Pluto’s work. We now have enough exposures from the underground to mull over and work with—and in fact convict the whole bloody establishment of criminal behavior.

On March 20, Pluto turns retrograde, and this process stops—probably with a grand finale. Power turns inward. We can absorb and work with this new knowledge, and come to make sense of it during the five months that Pluto travels retrograde. Ralph Nader will have a field day!

Pluto turns direct again on August 26, ready to surge ahead with new power plays.

Jupiter, that shameless merry old fellow, turns direct on March 1. Jupiter expands, like a balloon. We become more willing to take risks, more optimistic, and more successful. Philosophies are aired, people ally with others of like mind, and new affinity groups form at all levels. Business is favored again, and with Jupiter now in Cancer, security businesses will thrive. Businesses involving food and lodging should also pick up.

Jupiter travels direct until December 4. It enters Leo in early August, and by December has traveled halfway through Leo.

Juno turns direct on March 27 in Leo, very close to where Jupiter will turn retrograde in December. Watch for connected events on these two days. Juno in Leo is willing to work for partnership, but at the same time she wants to rule. Being half of a ruling partnership suits her. Juno is now connected with Venus and Pluto, and relationships can become exciting, adventurous, and transformative. Juno travels direct for the rest of the year.