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July '04

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Maya's July Travel Advisory

by Maya del Mar

July is not a bad month for travel. Nor is it a good one. This means that most of the time it will go OK, but on the other hand all during the month there is the possibility of glitches. Some days are just plain difficult for travel. The month is loaded with quincunx aspects, which indicate that adjustments must constantly be made, often unpredictable.

There are also long periods when moon is VOC, and things often do not go as planned then. I advise against starting a trip during a VOC moon time. However, if you’re involved in an extended driving trip, you can’t avoid VOC times, especially this month. Just don’t be so upset by surprises that you lose your cool. Before you start, make sure your vehicle is in good repair, and that you know where you’re going.

Travel conditions in general are much better after the New Moon on July 17 than before.

July 1. Poor. Moon is VOC until 2:01 p.m. EDT, and Mercury opposes disruptive Chiron. Better after Moon enters Capricorn at 2:01 p.m.—although Capricorn itself does not particularly favor travel.

July 2. This is Full Moon day. Morning is excellent, but by afternoon we begin a series of oppositions which last through tomorrow. We may encounter opposition at those times, but most of all we need to be aware of what might be coming at us.

July 3. Moon opposes two of the travel planets, Mars and Mercury. They could speed us on our way, or they could cause problems. Or some of both. Moon is VOC from 10:24 a.m.-1:22 p.m. EDT. Travel vibes are better after 1:22 p.m., but still, if you’re driving, stay alert.

July 4. Excellent. Moon is in Aquarius, a good travel sign, especially for flying. Aspects are excellent.

July 5. This is a good travel day. However, if you can, postpone starting until later. Moon is VOC until 2:26 p.m.

July 6. Excellent.

July 7. Moon VOC in Pisces for the entire day.

July 8. Good.

July 9. Poor, plus Moon VOC all day.

July 10 and 11. Good.

July 12. VOC most of the day, until 3:45 p.m. EDT. Fine after that.

July 13. Excellent.

July 14. Today would be an OK travel day—but Moon Is VOC after 8:33 a.m. EDT.

July 15. Mostly good, although there will be accidents (but then aren’t there always?). There will be a large element of fate in them.

July 16. OK, if you PAY ATTENTION. There is a great need to be cautious and aware.

July 17. Travel can be difficult until Moon enters Leo at 4:56 p.m. EDT. Conditions are excellent after that, through the morning of July 19.

July 18. Excellent.

July 19. Excellent, although Moon goes VOC after 2:50 p.m.

July 20. Excellent.

July 21. Fine, until 5 p.m.

July 22. Generally, this is a good travel day, although Moon is VOC in the morning until 12:39 p.m.

July 23. OK.

July 24. Fine. Best before 6 p.m. EDT.

July 25. OK.

July 26. Poor. Moon is VOC in Scorpio for the entire day.

July 27. Excellent.

July 28. Good.

July 29. Excellent.

July 30. OK, except that Moon is VOC after 7:21 a.m. EDT.

July 31. Excellent.

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